// See online documentation for examples // https://docs.getdrafts.com/docs/actions/scripting String.prototype.format = function () { if (arguments.length == 0) return this; var param = arguments[0]; var s = this; if (typeof (param) == ‘object’) { for (var key in param) s = s.replace(new RegExp(“\{” + key + “\}”, “g”), param[key]); return s; } else { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) s = s.replace(new RegExp(“\{” + i + “\}”, “g”), arguments[i]); return s; } } const addToc = content => { const headerLines = content.split(‘\n’).filter(line => /^#+\s+1+/.test(line)) if (headerLines.length == 0) { alert(“No Markdown headers (e.g. ## Header) found”) return } const tocLines = [] let lastLevel = 0 for (let i = 0; i < headerLines.length; i++) { const splitMatch = headerLines[i].match(/^(#+)\s+(.)$/) // - 2 assumes the first header is h2 const level = splitMatch[1].length - 2 if (level < 0) { alert(“h1 headers (#) are not compatible with Table of Contents. Please use h2 headers (##) and below.”) return null } if (level > lastLevel + 1) { alert(“Cannot make a table of contents if header levels are skipped, e.g. ## followed by ####”) return } lastLevel = level const headerText = splitMatch[2] // tocLines.push(“ “.repeat(level) + “ “ + headerText + “test_toc”) tocLines.push(“{0}* {1}”.format(“ “.repeat(level), headerText, headerText)) } if (tocLines[0][0] != “*”) { alert(“The first header must be a h2 (##)”) return }

// 为了和github上传自动添加toc的脚本一致
let startMatch = content.match(/<!--ts-->/)
let endMatch = content.match(/<!--te-->/)
if (startMatch == null && endMatch == null) {
    const firstHeaderMatch = content.match(/^(#+)\s+(.*)$/m)
    content = `${content.substring(0, firstHeaderMatch.index)}<!--ts--><!--te-->\n\n${content.substring(firstHeaderMatch.index)}`
    startMatch = content.match(/<!--ts-->/)
    endMatch = content.match(/<!--te-->/)
if (startMatch == null || endMatch == null) {
    alert("You need both <!--ts--> and <!--te--> in your draft to place a table of contents")
if (endMatch.index < startMatch.index) {
    alert("<!--ts--> must come before <!--te-->")
const startPos = startMatch.index + startMatch[0].length
const endPos = endMatch.index
return `${content.substring(0, startPos)}\n${tocLines.join("\n")}\n${content.substring(endPos)}`


const newBody = addToc(draft.lines.slice(1).join(“\n”)) if (newBody != null) { draft.content = ${draft.lines[0]}\n${newBody} draft.update() }